Datapipe’s Acquisition Of GoGrid Underscores The Industry Trend Of The Intersection Of Cloud And Big Data

Managed hybrid cloud IT solution provider Datapipe recently announced the acquisition of GoGrid, a leader in facilitating the effective operationalization of Big Data for cloud deployments. While GoGrid boasts over a decade of experience in managed cloud and dedicated cloud hosting, the company recently added a slew of Big Data offerings to its product line including NoSQL database product offerings and a 1-button deployment process, in addition to a partnership with Cloudera to accelerate Hadoop deployments for the enterprise. Robb Allen, CEO of Datapipe, commented on the significance of Datapipe’s acquisition of GoGrid as follows:

GoGrid has made it easy for companies to stand up Big Data solutions quickly. Datapipe customers will achieve significant value from the speed at which we can now create new Big Data projects in the cloud. This acquisition advances Datapipe’s strategy to help our enterprise clients architect, deploy and manage multi-cloud hybrid IT solutions.

Here, Allen remarks on the way in which GoGrid’s success in streamlining the implementation of Big Data solutions enhances Datapipe’s ability to offer enterprise customers Big Data solutions in conjunction with managed cloud hosting solutions. As such, Datapipe stands poised to consolidate its leadership in the space of cloud vendors offering Big Data solutions to enterprise customers given that cloud adoption has significantly outpaced Big Data in the enterprise to date. By acquiring GoGrid, Datapipe positions itself to offer its customers the limitless scalability of the cloud in addition to the infrastructure to store petabytes of data. The adoption of cloud-based big data solutions enables customers to take advantage of the potential for running analytics in parallel on transactional and non-transactional datasets alike to derive insights that draw upon the union of financial, operational, marketing, sales and third party data. As a result, Datapipe’s acquisition of GoGrid cements its already strong marketing positioning in the nascent but about to explode space marked by the intersection of cloud computing and Big Data.

GoGrid Joins Equinix Cloud Exchange

Equinix today announced that cloud provider GoGrid is now a participant in the Equinix Cloud Exchange, the service that enables customers to access cloud providers by means of a secure, direct internet connection that bypasses the public internet. By participating in the Equinix Cloud Exchange, GoGrid can offer customers faster, more secure connections to its cloud and Big Data solutions. The Equinix Cloud Exchange represents a particularly valuable addition to GoGrid’s deployment offerings because the speed and performance of the resultant connections enhances the ability to move Big Data based on platforms such as Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra, Riak and HBase from one infrastructure to another. As a result of the collaboration, GoGrid will connect its Cloud Bridge product offering, that delivers connectivity from customer datacenters to the GoGrid cloud, to the Equinix Cloud Exchange. Currently, GoGrid’s connection to the Equinix Cloud Exchange takes place by way of Equinix’s datacenter in Ashburn, VA, although it plans to extend its participation in the Equinix Cloud Exchange to Europe. The Equinix Cloud Exchange now boasts the participation of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Level 3 Communications, tw telecom and GoGrid. Assuming it can continue to sign up customers at an impressive clip, the Equinix Cloud Exchange promises to disrupt the cloud computing landscape by delivering an alternative networking infrastructure to the public internet marked by enhanced speed, security, performance and reliability.