New Relic Partners With Google To Support Google Compute Engine For Application Monitoring

On Monday, New Relic announced that it will join the Google Cloud Platform Partner program as a monitoring and application analytics application for Google Compute Engine. As a result of the partnership, Google Compute Engine customers will have free access to New Relic for “large-scale computing workloads on Linux virtual machines in Google’s data centers hosted on Google Cloud Platform.” Existing Google Compute Engine customers that are already using New Relic will receive the Google Cloud Platform Starter Pack, which features $2,000 toward the use of either Google Compute Engine or Google App Engine. Google Compute Engine customers can now use New Relic to keep track of the performance and health of applications as well as their larger IT environment. Meanwhile, Google will participate prominently at New Relic’s first technology conference, FutureStack13, from October 24-25.

New Relic’s partnership with the Google Compute Engine platform builds upon another recent partnership, namely, its integration into the Cloud Foundry Java “buildpack” that Cloud Foundry uses for application deployment. With just a few clicks of the mouse, developers can now use New Relic to monitor the performance of Java applications in Cloud Foundry development, testing and production environments.